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Arts in Education Program Grant Overview
The Arts In Education grant program provides project support to artists, arts educators, and organizations in Prince George's County that provide high-quality arts and cultural activities to youth in educational settings from kindergarten through high school. It will fund a variety of projects for K-12 grade students, with a preference for programs serving children in grades 4 - 12 (middle and high school students). Project or residency must serve Prince George’s County Public School students, and students in approved charter, homeschool or private schools in grades K-12 in school or community settings.
There are five program areas of support and projects may include, but are not limited to; arts instruction, arts integration improvements, artist in residency, in-school performances, field trip experiences, arts integration curriculum development, creative placemaking, as well as professional development. An emphasis should be placed on providing inclusive sequential instruction, where appropriate, to deepen student or staff learning about the subject and experience, which can be curriculum-based, and/or related school wide student/teacher enrichment priorities such as socio-emotional learning, health, students with diverse needs and leadership development. The Arts in Education Program will not offset the responsibilities of each school or educational organization in providing its students an excellent education but will support projects that enhance the learning experience that is already occurring.
Maximum Award for Organizations and Individuals: $5000
DEADLINE: JANUARY 31, 2025 at 11:59PM via Submittable Grant Portal
Information Session: Tuesday January 7, 2025 5:30PM - CLICK LINK TO REGISTER:
Individuals MUST:
- Be artists or arts professionals aged 18 or older;
- Have residency or active studio in Prince George’s County (for at least six months prior to application) proof of residency required;
- Residency must serve Prince George’s County Public Schools students and students in approved charter, homeschool or private school in grades Kindergarten through 12.
- Be in good standing with PGAHC. Applicants with incomplete or delinquent reports, in any funding program, as of the date of the grant application, are ineligible to receive an additional award from PGAHC in FY2024.
Organizations MUST:
- Be incorporated as a nonprofit, with a designated tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, as well as incorporated within the State of Maryland;
- Have their Federal and Maryland tax exempt status (subject to PGAHC verification) in good standing for one year prior to the application deadline;
- Have principal offices that are located in Prince George’s County, as documented by the address on the organization’s official 990 document. PO Boxes may not be used as a primary business address;
- Have a demonstrated commitment to provide arts and humanities programs to the residents of Prince George’s County. At least fifty-one percent (51%) of scheduled arts activities occur in Prince George’s County;
- Be in good standing with PGAHC. Applicants with incomplete or delinquent reports, in any funding program, as of the date of the grant application, are ineligible to receive an additional award from PGAHC in FY2024.
- Are NOT colleges, universities, Prince George’s County government agencies, excluding Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS), which are prohibited from applying for any PGAHC grants.
In-School Auxiliary Organizations, Teachers and Parent-Teacher Associations are eligible to apply for a specific school program, including home schools. Funding may not be attributed to school personnel, faculty and/or general art supplies or equipment unrelated to project.
NEW: UEI Number Required for Applicant Organizations to Community Grants Program
The PGAHC Community Grants Program now requires that all organizations applying for funding from PGAHC to have a Unique Entity ID (UEI) from SAM.gov in alignment with requirements from the National Endowment for the Arts. PGAHC strongly encourages all applicant organizations without a UEI, who plan to apply for a grant, to apply for your UEI number as soon as possible before the deadline. For further information about obtaining your new UEI, access the Quick Start Guide.
INDIVIDUALS applying for PGAHC funding do NOT need to create a UEI.
Funding is distributed in five categories: School-Based Projects including Virtual Projects, Artist in Residency Projects, Community-Based Projects, Public Art Partnership Projects and Professional Development. Funds are awarded to artists, arts educators and nonprofits that demonstrate a significant and positive impact on student academic achievement through increased arts and cultural access.
School-Based Projects take place during the traditional school day for students, in classrooms or at an outside venue. Activities must directly benefit Prince George’s County Public School students, or other approved charter and private school students, and directly connect to curricula standards and instructional programs occurring at those schools. Evaluation criteria for School-Based Programs emphasize strong curriculum-based design.
Artist in Residency Projects are participatory, standards-based learning experiences led by a teaching artist during the regular school day with the support and active engagement of the classroom teacher. The teaching artist(s) work with the same group of students for a minimum of five (5) classroom sessions and collaborate with the classroom teacher before and throughout the residency to ensure the lessons are aligned with classroom curriculum or school priorities in socio-
Community-Based Projects take place outside of the traditional school day, such as at after-school, weekend or summer programs and events. Programs may be associated with schools, community-based settings, creative placemaking initiatives, arts or cultural institutions, or cultural exchange programs.
Public Art Partnership Projects directly engage Prince George’s County permanent or temporary public art installations. Students will participate in a hands on program designed through collaboration with lead artist or classroom teacher.
Professional Development Projects include conference attendance/related fees, and accessing or implementation of high quality artistic training opportunities for educators working in public education settings. Trainings must build skills capacity for the development, or enhancement of arts disciplines and/or integration of standards-based arts instruction with non-arts academic content. Applicants must reside and teach in Prince George’s County. The Arts In Education Program has a no matching requirement for individuals. For organizations excluding public schools, there will be a 1:1 cash-matching requirement, designed to assist fundraising by leveraging funding from additional sources. 50% of the match may be in-kind support.
IMPORTANT Information for Non-Resident AIE Vendors: Applicant schools, utilizing non-county venders to provide arts education services to the school in their application, must clearly provide evidence of using Prince George’s County artists / teaching artists. Applicant schools must clearly define in the submitted budgets how much artists are being paid. (Rate, flat fee, total number of hours, and total percentage of budget)
All applicants are strongly encouraged to utilize Prince George’s County artists in programs, unless the program is utilizing talent or instructors not readily available in the area of expertise.
Funding Restrictions;
Examples of allowable costs for Arts in Education Programs:
• Teaching artists and art consultants;
• Salaries for arts educators for nonprofit organizations
• Materials, supplies and small equipment purchases that are directly related to project implementation;
• Travel and transportation directly related to project implementation.
Examples of unallowable costs for Arts In Education programs:
• Overhead or administrative costs unrelated to the proposed project;
• Entertainment costs such as food and beverages, receptions and fundraisers;
• Scholarships/fellowships, student stipends, or contests;
• Purchase of equipment that exceeds 25% of the total grant award
Please contact Sherri Bryant-Moore at smoore@pgahc.org or additional questions or information. Please include "FY25 Arts in Education Grant" in the subject line.
County Arts Grant Program Overview
The County Arts Grant Program provides PROJECT funding for organizations in Prince George's County that provide high-quality arts and cultural activities that enhance the quality of life in Prince George’s County and reflect the collective creativity, diversity and collaborative spirit of the County’s arts, humanities, and cultural sectors.
Match: There is a 1:1 cash-matching requirement, designed to assist fundraising by leveraging funding from additional sources. Organizations can receive a grant up to $10,000. Grant period is from April 1, 2025 to March/May 2026.
Information Session: Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 4PM REGISTER AT THIS HYPERLINK:
Download a PDF copy of full Guidelines to work on your grant here: (PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS IN PDF)
County Arts Grant Goals: Provide county-based arts and humanities non-profit organizations access to funding to support arts and cultural programs and experiences;
- Provide access to high-quality arts and humanities experiences to Prince George’s County residents;
- To support county arts and humanities non-profit organizations in their pursuit of innovative programmatic offerings, these grants may support research, professional development or implementation related to expanded programs, new artistic creation or cultural programs;
- To promote accessibility in arts and humanities programming that is inclusive, mutually beneficial, and ensures meaningful participation for artists, cultural practitioners and audiences with diverse needs in all cultural and creative spaces by providing full access both physically, intellectually and programmatically.
- To advance equity, diversity, inclusion, and innovation in the County’s creative community and cultural organizations, and in their programs for County residents and visitors.
NEW: UEI Number Required for Applicant Organizations to Community Grants Program
The PGAHC Community Grants Program now requires that all organizations applying for funding from PGAHC to have a Unique Entity ID (UEI) from SAM.gov in alignment with requirements from the National Endowment for the Arts. PGAHC strongly encourages all applicant organizations without a UEI, who plan to apply for a grant, to apply for your UEI number as soon as possible before the deadline.
INDIVIDUALS applying for PGAHC funding do NOT need to create a UEI. Learn more here: For further information about obtaining your new UEI, access the Quick Start Guide
Organizational Eligibility: (Please note applicants can only apply to ONE Community Grant category per cycle)
- Nonprofit organization with 501 c (3) status located in Prince George’s County for at least one year prior to application date, and whose programs most directly benefit county residents.
- Organizations must provide evidence of 2 years of artistic or cultural programing in one or more of the creative disciplines of the visual or performing arts, art education, film, literary arts, public art etc.. Contact the community grants program for questions.
- Organizations with an annual budget that does not exceed $750,000.
- Organizations must adequately demonstrate a project to be produced within grant period.
- Organizations must be in good standing with PGAHC. Applicants with incomplete or delinquent reports, in any funding program, as of the date of the grant application, are ineligible to receive an additional award from PGAHC in FY2025
Maximum Grant Award: $10,000
Funding Restrictions
Examples of allowable costs for County Arts Grant:
- Cost of materials/supplies;
- Costs for marketing, facility rental
- Costs for guest labor (i.e., Artist honorarium, etc.)
- Costs for sign interpretation, visual aids, close captioning, or other accessibility tools.
Examples of unallowable costs for County Arts Grant:
- Salaries for regular employees;
- Capital improvements on facilities;
- Rental of a performing arts, recording, or exhibition space outside of Prince George’s County, Maryland, Washington, D.C., or Northern Virginia
- Programs occurring outside of Prince George’s County.
For questions or additional information, please contact smoore@pgach.org. Please use "FY25 County Arts" in the subject line.
Artist Fellowship Grant Overview
The Artist Fellowship Grant supports established individual artists and cultural practitioners in Prince George’s County who significantly contribute to the arts, have an established body of work, and substantively impact the lives of residents through artistic excellence, innovative cultural practice and/or community impact.
The Artist Fellowship provides PROJECT support. The fellowship does not fund general support for artistic practice. It is expected the work support a creative endeavor or artwork in progress and/or supports research and primarily the production of a new artistic/cultural project.
Artist Fellowship Grant Goals
- Provide county-based artists access to capital to support innovative works in progress or to begin a new artistic project or initiative
- Provide access to high-quality arts and humanities experiences to Prince George’s County residents.
Maximum Award: $5,000
DEADLINE: January 31, 2025 – 11:59PM
Information Session: January 9, 2025 at 4PM. REGISTER BY CLICKING THIS HYPERLINK:
Download PDF of Application & Guidelines to work from Here (PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED)
Eligibility Requirements
Individual Eligibility:
- Artist or arts professional aged 18 or older;
- Must demonstrate an established body of work, portfolio, performances of at least one year prior to deadline.
- Must have residency or active studio in Prince George’s County (for at least one year prior to application) proof of residency required;
- Must fund a project adequately demonstrated to be produced within grant period;
- Artist’s product or project must serve Prince George’s County residents primarily, although it may extend to other audiences, this may also include digital products, which extend beyond the Prince George’s County audience.
- Previous Grantees: Must be in good standing with PGAHC in all final reporting requirements completed prior to the application deadline. Failure to comply by the application deadline will forfeit eligibility.
Funding Restrictions
Examples of allowable costs for Artist Fellowship Grant:
- Rental of a studio, recording, or exhibition space;
- Cost of renting/purchasing equipment, materials/supplies that are essential to produce the work.
- Costs for related vending/marketing (website, marketing collateral, photography of work, etc.)
- Costs to make program project accessible
- Up to 30% of the funds may be allocated as nondiscretionary use (for labor, utilities, parking, insurance or other needs as determined by the artist)
Unallowable costs for Artist Fellowship Grant:
- Personal expense unrelated to the project
- Funds to primarily support a guest artist in collaboration
- Rental of a studio, recording, or exhibition space outside of Prince George’s County, Maryland, Washington, D.C., or Northern Virginia
- Nondiscretionary costs exceeding 30% of project budget.
For questions or additional information, please contact grants@pgahc.org or Sherri Bryant-Moore smoore@pgach.org or grants@pgahc.org. Please use "FY25 Artist Fellowship " in the subject line.